Zoning Permits
Zoning Permits are required in the Township for new construction, additions, in-ground pools, mobile, or modular homes. If you are planning a project or have a question, call Mr. Bob Keilman (Zoning Officer) at (814) 244-4161 to determine if a permit is needed. Any inspections necessary under the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code will be determined once Mr. Keilman makes his initial zoning compliance check.
Dogs Running Loose
It shall be unlawful for the owner, custodian, or keeper of any dog bearing the current license tag to allow such a dog to run at large at any time either upon any of the streets, alleys, roads, or public grounds in the Township of Jackson, or upon the property of another, other than the owner, custodian or keeper of such dog, unless accompanied by and under the immediate control of such owner, custodian, or keepers.
Applications must be made to the Township on the forms as required by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for all new and/or major alterations to existing driveways. For township roadways, see the Township Secretary. For state highways, see PennDOT in Ebensburg, 472-7100.
Ordinance prohibiting the accumulation or dumping of garbage and refuse in Jackson Township.
Regulating Junkyards
No person shall engage in business as a junk dealer or operate a junk yard in the Township of Jackson, without first having obtained a license therefore from the Township Supervisors.
View Jackson Township Sewage Ordinance for all sewage concerns not part of the public sewer system
Every person desiring to engage in peddling in the Township of Jackson shall first make application to the Secretary of the Township for a license.
Stormwater Management
The purpose of this ordinance is to:
A. Promote the general health, welfare and safety of residents of Jackson Township.
B. Control accelerated runoff and erosion from modification to natural terrain and the alteration of existing drainage from land developments.
C. Provide design, construction, and maintenance criteria for permanent and temporary on-site stormwater management facilities necessary to control stormwater runoff.
D. Provide performance standards and design criteria for stormwater management and planning.
E. Encourage the recharge of the groundwater, where appropriate, and prevent the degradation of groundwater quality.
FOR MORE INFORMATION view Jackson Township Stormwater Management Ordinance.
The Subdivision Ordinance regulates all Subdivisions proposed in the Township. All plans are subject to review by the Planning Commission. Defined briefly, a subdivision is the dividing of a parcel of land into two (2) or more lots, including changes in existing lot lines for the purpose of transfer of ownership, building or lot development. You can access the entire Subdivision Ordinance from the Planning page.
Jackson Township has adopted a zoning ordinance and Pennsylvania has passed Act 45 of 1999 (which establishes a statewide construction code.) These laws may affect the placement and construction of buildings in the Township. You should call the Township before you plan to build, alter, repair, or occupy any building or structure.
Other regulations apply to: commercial buildings, industrial structures, apartments, townhouses and shopping centers. A copy of the Cambria County Ordinance setting these guidelines is available at the Department of Emergency Services, 401 Candlelight Drive, Suite 100, Ebensburg, PA 15931-1959.
Waste Disposal
Providing for the health, safety and welfare of the Township of Jackson by regulating the storage of garbage and refuse; the manner of collection and disposal of the garbage and refuse collectors to be licensed and regulating the burning of refuse on Sunday.
Weight Limits
The operation of motor vehicles, trailers, or semi-trailers having a weight in excess of twelve tons and motor vehicles, trailers, or semi-trailers with loads thereon and having a gross weight in excess of twelve tons is prohibited on all Township roads or portions thereof in Jackson Township.
For more information click on Weight Limits
For more information click on Zoning.