Jackson Township Water Authority
2949 William Penn Avenue
Johnstown, PA 15909
Business Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
To Make a Payment or to see Rates & Fees, visit Our Web Site
Phone: (814) 322-1262
Fax: (814) 322-1260
Email: jwaterauth@aol.com

Water Authority Meeting Dates
Monthly board meetings are held at the JTWA Office at 6:00 p.m.
January - October meetings will be held the 4th Tuesday of each month.
November & December meetings will be held the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
Water Authority Board Members (5 year term)
Robert W. Piper, Jr.
Term Exp: 2027
John Wallet
Term Exp: 2026
Terri Modic
Term Exp: 2025
Bob Keilman
Term Exp: 2028
Bruce Baker
Term Exp: 2029