Planning Commission

Planning Commission Board Members (4 year term)


Bruce Baker

Term Exp: 2026


Term Exp: 2024


Paul Wyrwas

Term Exp: 2025


Al Gailey

Term Exp: 2027


Bryce Boring



The Subdivision Ordinance regulates all Subdivisions proposed in the Township. All plans are subject to review by the Planning Commission. Defined briefly, a subdivision is the dividing of a parcel of land into two (2) or more lots, including changes in existing lot lines for the purpose of transfer of ownership, building or lot development.
Plans must be submitted two weeks prior to a monthly Planning Commission Meeting in order to be considered for review.

Jackson Township has adopted a zoning ordinance and Pennsylvania has passed Act 45 of 1999 (which establishes a statewide construction code.) These laws may affect the placement and construction of buildings in the Township. You should call the Township before you plan to build, alter, repair, or occupy any building or structure.

Other regulations apply to: commercial buildings, industrial structures, apartments, townhouses and shopping centers. A copy of the Cambria County Ordinance setting these guidelines is available at the Department of Emergency Services, 401 Candlelight Drive, Suite 100, Ebensburg, PA 15931-1959.